"I attended one of Penny’s sessions at a fitness festival earlier this year. It was called mindfulness for busy people and it was exactly what I needed. Within 15 minutes I already felt happier and that I was not alone in my feelings of being overwhelmed by the day today routine. Key learnings for me included that I need to look after myself to be able to care and support everyone else and that I need and should give myself permission to have 10 minutes to myself a day. I would never have prioritised myself before this session and I came away feeling calm and positive. I completed my first meditation and now use guided meditation on sound cloud. Penny has helped me realise I need to make time for me and interestingly my family are understanding and now give me the space I need even if it’s 10 minutes to reflect on my day."
Sometimes just one session can help people to make significant changes in their lives. Other people need to have sessions little and often. Let me know what would work for you