Mindfulness can help you to get the most out of your time outside whether you are walking or running. Mindfulness is about knowing what is going on inside your head and being able to manage it better. Mindfulness helps you to spot when your mind has taken off in an unhelpful direction. If you can nip this in the bud and bring it back into reality, that will help you to manage the stress going on in your life.
Read moreHow to beat depression and anxiety in lockdown 2021
It is the end of January 2021. Did anyone make any goals or resolutions? Did anyone stick to them? Are people feeling generally stuck and that although on the one hand we have endless amounts of time, on the other we don’t really have the time to do the things we want, or need, to do? Are we feeling like we aren’t doing much but what we are doing is taking up a lot of effort, and we are too tired to do any more things?
These are some of the things that I am hearing from clients and friends. I would be interested to hear your take on this time and how you are feeling right now.
Accepting that things are hard right now and that it is normal to struggle with this situation can be a relief in itself. There are also many things that we can do to ease these feelings and to make a life a bit easier.
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